The April 12, 2023 Town of Oulu regular board meeting was called to order by Jonathan Hamilton, Chair at 6:45 p.m. at the Town Hall.
Roll Call: Members present: Jon Hamilton, Ed Burhans, Tim Ciembronowicz, Diana Reijo, clerk, and Marjorie Lahti, treasurer. Town employee: Mike Davidson
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Ciembronowicz, second by Burhans to approve the agenda as printed and posted. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Consent Agenda:
Approve general fund vouchers 13883-13916, ACH 575-578
Minutes of the March 8, 2023 regular board meeting
Motion by Ciembronowicz, second by Burhans to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: – General/ARPA – $207,489.29 Tax Account $101,612.31
Community Groups:
Plan Commission Report:
The Plan Commission is working on updating the Comprehensive Plan. Updates were completed to the Introduction, Issues and Opportunities, Goals and Objectives, and Implementation portions of the Plan, Preferred Minimum Lot (parcel) size information request from the County and the Northwest Regional Planning Commission was completed, and work continues update the current Land Use Map and the Preferred Future Land Use Map.
Park Report:
Supervisor Ciembronowicz reported that a group of residents met and discussed how to enhance the park. The top three projects suggested were new playground equipment, improvements to picnic shelters and pavilion and add new activities, such as Gaga ball, disc golf, fitness, etc.
The Town Board will be applying for the Bayfield County Health Infrastructure Grant – deadline April 30, 2023.
New Business:
Appointment of Plan Commission Members:
Duane Lahti and Fred Strand submitted their letter of interest in serving as members of the Plan Commission. Motion by Burhans, second by Ciembronowicz to appoint Duane Lahti and Fred Strand to serve on the Plan Commission for a three-year term beginning May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2026. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
County Line Road Project:
Tabled until additional information is obtained.
Boulevard, Oulu Rock Road, Airport road (south & north of B):
Tabled until additional information is obtained.
Gravel Specs:
Gravel specs – Clerk will advertise for a minimum of 3,000 yards of grade 2, ¾” gravel (in accordance with DOT specifications) and include provision for residents to purchase gravel at the bid price. Gravel must be spread by September 15, 2023. Bids will be opened at the May 10, 2023 meeting.
Cemetery Clean-Up:
Discussion was held regarding raking and cleaning up the Hillcrest Cemetery for Memorial Day. The Town Board is looking for volunteers to help with the clean-up. The date is May 6, 2023, 10:00 a.m. (rain date is May 13, 2023). Volunteers may contact Ed Burhans for additional information.
Spring Newsletter:
Discussion held on changes to the spring newsletter. A 40-yard dumpster will be available. Price for tire disposal will remain the same and a pick-up load of garbage will also remain at $20. Newsletter will be mailed out after the May meeting to include the gravel price for residents.
Bayfield County Health Infrastructure Grant for Park Upgrades:
Park Ad Hoc Committee:
Motion by Burhans, second by Hamilton to establish a Park Ad Hoc Committee. Current members are: Tim Ciembronowicz, May Kae Pihle, Darienne McNamara, Lindsay Hogfeldt, Brigid Ripley, Jennifer Dull, Isaac Dull, and Kristin Grant. Other residents interested in serving on this committee may contact Tim Ciembronowicz. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Road Maintenance Report:
Steaming culverts
Washout on Hautala Road
Trying to get the water off of Kaukamo Road
Muskeg and Pudas roads closed due to water over the road
Will begin grading roads next week
Set Dates for Next Meeting/s:
April 18, 2023 - Annual meeting, 7:00 p.m.
May 1, 2023 Board of Review Training, 6:30 p.m.
May 10, 2023 – Board of Review, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
May 10, 2023 - Regular Board meeting, 6:45 p.m.
April 20, 2023 – Park Ad Hoc Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Motion by Hamilton, second by Ciembronowicz to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diana Reijo, Clerk