The June 27, 2024 Town of Oulu Special Board Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm at the Town Hall by Chair Jonathan Hamilton.
Members present: Ed Burhans (6:35pm), Jon Hamilton, Adam Mattson, Diana Reijo, clerk, Margie Lahti, treasurer. Absent: None. Town Employee: Mike Davidson
Approval of agenda:
Motion by Mattson, second by Hamilton to approve the agenda as printed and posted. Absent: Burhans. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
New Business:
North Hissa Road Proposals:
Three proposals received:
1. Northland Farm & Land -$44,875
2. KV Builders - $97,646
3. Olson Bros. - $53,961.99
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to award the bid to Olson Bros. for $53,961.99 as Northland Farm and Land submitted an incomplete proposal. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Park Toilets:
Supervisor Mattson presented a quote for $4,900 for a toilet vault. He will seek two other toilet options for a tank and vault.
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diana Reijo, Clerk